
  • 20% off

    On all NVQ products for your next order.

  • Unlimited Access

    for 1 month

  • Manual and Consent form made by a lawyer


Ta formatrice

Fondatrice Marjorie Novoqueen

BAC en "Business Technology" - CHAMPIONNE CANADIENNE EN LASH LIFT - Gagnante du fameux Dobson Business - Plus de 20 diplômes de MASTERS en esthétique - Après plusieurs mauvaises expériences, j’ai décidé d’élever les normes de l'industrie en apportant une éducation visionnaire, vegan et environnementale. - Joins-toi à moi et deviens une Novoqueen.



    1. Training overview

    2. Confidentiality agreement

    3. Who is your trainer?

    4. Before we start

    5. How to follow this online training ?

    6. How to be certified ?

    1. Manual: Volume Lash

    1. 8 False beliefs of the industry (SHOCKING)

    2. What is real Rusian volume?

    3. What is Mega Volume ?

    1. Nvq tweezers

    1. Stylisation

    2. Lash stylisation mapping for clients

    3. Layers Techniques

    1. What is in the glue and understand how it works?

    2. How to make the glue work for you

    3. Other factors that influence the retention

    4. What is the best preparation for long-lasting retention?

    5. How to make your own premade with crystallization technique?

About this course

  • $777.00
  • 38 leçons
  • 3 heures de contenu vidéo


  • When is the next registration?

    You can register now and your access is instantaneous.

  • Is there a certification?

    Yes everything is done online. After watching the videos several times, you will send me clear photos of your first model. When all the criteria are met, I will send you your digital certificate.

  • How long do I have to do the training?

    One month to listen to the videos and pass the certification from the date the training begins. Materials such as the manual and the consent form made by a lawyer are downloadable/printable to keep for life.

  • Can I make my models in person?

    Yes it is possible with additional fees at our studio in Montreal.

  • Is it 100% online, even the models?

    Did you know that the focus of the brain has a limit of absorbing new information of only 20 minutes? This is why I quickly observed better results from our students with our progressive online training versus an intensive classroom day. Know that I created everything with a specialist in pedagogical learning and I share all her tips for learning well with my online training.

  • What happens when I register?

    You will receive an email confirming your online registration and our team will contact you by email within 48 hours to explain how it works.

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